When you think of pearls, what comes to mind?
For many people, pearls symbolize innocence, purity, and integrity. This is because pearls are formed in the ocean naturally by oysters.
They are a symbol of the purity of water and the feminine mystique.
In society, pearls often represent these qualities as well.
For example, in The Great Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan wears a string of cultured pearls that represents her lost innocence.
Pearls can also be a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
In this article, we will explore what pearls symbolize in society and spirituality. We will also discuss the different ways that you can incorporate pearls into your life to bring about these qualities, albeit with a little sarcasm.
Table of Contents
What Pearls Symbolize Spiritually
It is interesting that we as humans will do what no other species will do and that is to assign meaning to mere objects.
Pearls have not escaped the attempt to spiritualize them for market value rather than just for their rare beauty.
Let’s look at some of the ways that people have done this:
Feminine Vibration
Pearls convey a feminine vibration and have a strong connection with the Moon. This means that they are useful to women who suffer emotionally during their cycles.
They help with mood swings in both sexes by bringing a sense of rounded proportions to any overwhelming situation that feels out of control.
They sooth the emotions of anyone who has lost and is grieving a loved one.
See what we mean?
But a lot of people are always looking to find a way to market pearls and there are many suckers who will buy into the hype.
Everyone knows that if you see a woman wearing pearls, then she is pure.
Pearls have long been associated with innocence and chastity. This is largely due to the way they are formed, which is through a process of irritation.
A grain of sand or some other foreign object will make its way into the oyster and to protect itself, the oyster will secrete a substance called nacre around the irritant, just like a chastity belt.
Over time, this substance will harden and form a pearl.
Pearls are also a symbol of integrity because they are so rare and precious.
A natural pearl is formed without human intervention, which is pretty amazing when you think about it since everything is made in China these days.
So because of this, pearls have come to symbolize that the wearer is unimpeachable and can do no wrong.
Just like the pearl, they are perfect and pure.
What Does Pearl Symbolize in the Bible?
Many Christians have found themselves wondering what pearls symbolize in the Bible, and with so many different denominations that exist today, you can pretty much pick your flavor and believe anything you want instead of simply letting the scriptures speak for itself.
One of the most common interpretations is that pearls symbolize wisdom.
This is because in the Bible, Jesus compares finding the Kingdom of Heaven to finding a pearl of great value.
In the Bible, a pearl is like any other fine gem.
It does have value of course, but it was never to be mistaken for any virtue or status.
A pearl was rare at that time because there was no culturing going on. Whenever the pearl is mentioned in the Bible, it is simply to indicate a rare find and a desirable and valuable gem.
Nothing else was intended.
What Pearls Symbolize in Society
There was a time when Julius Caesar decreed that pearls were only to be worn by rulers and aristocrats.
Pearls were not able to be cultured at that time, and so were truly a rare find and only affordable by the rich.
This meant that anyone who owned a pearl or a strand of them would be doing so as a symbol of their wealth regardless of how poor they were, because the poor were forbidden to wear them.
Pearls go in and out of favor in society nowadays because they have been over-cultured and are no longer rare due to this practice.
You can thank modern industrialism for ruining all the good/rare things in life.
What Pearls Symbolize Physically
What if I told you that pearls can have physically altering properties too!?
I bet you’d believe me, wouldn’t you?
Pearls are actually made up of calcium carbonate, which is the same substance that makes up our teeth and bones. So technically, pearls are just teeth that we wear around our necks.
And like any other shaman from the wilderness, I can tell you that pearls have the power to heal. If you wear a pearl necklace, it will help to strengthen your bones and teeth…or something.
Here’s what I mean:
Healing Powers
Pearls provide healing to the digestive tract disorders and muscular system conditions.
They aid in fertility and can ease the pain of childbirth lol!
They restore the balance and rhythm of the body and regulate hormone levels.
Did you know that pearls also help people that suffer from chronic bronchitis, asthma and even tuberculosis? They also deal a lethal blow to diseases of the liver, urinary system, heart and kidneys!
Someone should have told doctors all of this and saved them the hundreds of thousands of dollars of worthless education let alone their time.
If you couldn’t tell, I am being a bit sarcastic because people actually believe this stuff.
So let’s continue…
Natural Poison Neutralizer
Pearls can neutralize POISON!
The next time you are bitten by a rattlesnake, just run and whip out your pearls and all will go well…no doctor needed, just hold them up to the gods and save yourself the expensive trip to the E.R.
Pearls also act as a powerful sedative, so no need for any general anesthesia during your next open heart surgery.
Cosmetic Enhancer
Pearls can also stop your skin from developing any dark melanin or pigmentation during sun exposure or aging!
No amount of time laying in a tanning bed can change that fact, and using a quick tanning lotion will also not work to bronze you if you are wearing pearls.
They also reduce wrinkles and scars as well as blemishes and pimples (so go crazy with the acne medication)!
Pearls have also been known to lighten the color of your hair if you wear them long enough.
Energy Booster
Last but not least, pearls will relieve your fatigue, headaches and high blood pressure if taken twice daily before meals. They also cure leukemia, though no one is sure of the dose…study trials are still ongoing.
So before you crack open that sugary energy drink or take another Advil for your headache, try whipping out your pearls and see if they can work their magic!
FAQ’s About Pearl Symbolism
At this point, you may have some more questions about what pearls symbolize and what they can do for you.
And who can blame you?
This article was pretty life-changing. Here are some of the most common questions we get asked:
What does it mean when a woman wears pearls?
When a woman wears pearls, she is likely trying to find a piece of jewelry that goes with the outfit she wants to wear.
Pearls go with everything and can be mixed with any other colored gemstone as well as with diamonds. Because of their versatility, you will find women reaching for them when nothing else will do.
What does it mean when you give someone a pearl?
If you give someone a pearl, it usually means that you either like them well enough to spend money on them, you have no idea of what else to buy for them, or you inherited them and have no use for them.
A pearl is a safe bet to choose as a gift and it does not necessarily convey romance, so you are safe giving someone pearls while trying to make up your mind where your relationship is headed.
It can mean anything that you want it to, except maybe you should be specific about what you are trying to convey lest the recipient assigns their own meaning.
What does the pearl of great price symbolize?
The Bible speaks about the Parable of the pearl of great price when speaking about a merchant finding out about where there was a valuable pearl for sale and then selling everything he owned to acquire it.
This parable was used to symbolize what we are to do once we discover what Jesus did for us when he died on the cross for our sins.
We are to view His Sacrifice as we would finding a rare and precious pearl and abandon ourselves to Him.
What did Jesus say about pearls?
Jesus spoke twice about pearls.
Both times, He indicated that they were very valuable and a rare find. Keep in mind that there had not been any pearls culturing back then, so a natural wild pearl was extremely valuable as it still is today.
What did Jesus mean when he said to not cast your pearls before swine?
When Jesus spoke about not to cast your pearls before swine, He was warning His followers to be discerning about giving your time or resources to those who were merely trying to fleece you and take advantage of you.
He would prefer that you exercise some awareness about other people’s character before making a hasty or impulsive decision to give.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, the world assigns many meanings to each gem in nature and most of them are outrageous.
Crystals are now the in thing among those who have no true spiritual compass and are also now being given the same cockamamie meanings that pearls have been given prior.
Pearls are a wild and beautiful gem.
Full stop.
If you like them and can afford them, then wear them for the beautiful gem that they are.