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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Pearls (Why They’re Special)

Most people know that pearls are used in jewelry, but not everyone knows what makes them so special. Pearls are unique in the world of gemstones because they are the…

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silver colored ring with clear gemstone and white pearl

Most people know that pearls are used in jewelry, but not everyone knows what makes them so special.

Pearls are unique in the world of gemstones because they are the only gems that are created by a living creature.

The mollusk deposits nacre around an irritant, such as a piece of sand, to protect itself. This process can take up to two years, and during this time the pearl will grow in size.

In this article, we will discuss five things you may not have known about pearls.

By the end, you’ll understand why these gems are so special and prized by many people around the world.

What Is So Special About Pearls?

Believe it or not, not everybody likes pearls or even knows what they are.

For many, they are just white rocks that are found in the sea. What those people do not know however, is that pearls are actually quite unique and are the only gemstone that comes from a living creature.

Here are a few things that make pearls so special:

Natural Pearls Are Incredibly Rare

Natural pearls are the most rare gems in the world.

Only 1% of pearls that are used in jewelry are natural, that is, they are formed inside the creature without the aid of “culturing”.

Culturing is the practice of placing an irritant into an oyster or clam in order to cause the creature to develop a protective coating of nacre to encapsulate the irritant, which then results in a pearl.

It is estimated that a natural pearl is found at the rate of only 1 in 10,000 oysters, and even so, these are not necessarily of jewelry grade.

The other 99% of pearls are now cultured and this practice was originally devised due to the fact that they were becoming overharvested.

In 1896, Kokichi Mikimoto presented the first cultured pearl that became more and more popular over time, because they are more symmetrical, and thus, more desirable for that shape if for nothing else.

Of course, this drove the price of pearls down due to the fact that cultured pearls are not considered as being rare.

Abalone Pearls Are Rare

In the late 19th to 20th Century, the mortality rate for pearl divers was a whopping 50%.

This is believed to be mostly due to shark attacks and decompression injuries, and because of this, the pearl diving industry is heavily regulated to include the prohibition of using oxygen tanks in order to naturally limit the amount of time spent underwater.

Likewise, Abalone diving has been outlawed since 1997 in an attempt to restore the natural balance of abalone.

Previous to that, there was a limit for how many abalone that was imposed due to overharvesting.

Abalone pearls are even more rare than other natural oyster or clam pearls, resulting in only 1 out of 100,000 pearls found in a creature.

Pearls Can Be Massive

The world’s most expensive pearl weighs in at around 75 pounds and is 26 inches long.

This pearl came from a clam off the coast in the Philippines and is valued at $100 Million dollars.

The fisherman that found it kept it hidden under his bed for good luck until his tiny wood home burned down.

The pearl survived the incident, and he subsequently decided to “hand it over” to a local tourist museum without receiving any compensation because he did not take the time to find out its value!

Clams can get to over 800 pounds in weight, and so it is entirely plausible that a pearl of this size could be found again, albeit more rare than finding pearls in oysters.

You can see it on Youtube.

Pearls Come From A Living Creature

Pearls are the only gems that come from a living creature.

All other gemstones are mined from the earth or are even lab grown. But the pearl comes from the sea and is created inside an oyster, a clam, or an Abalone.

Because it is so rare to find a pearl inside one of these creatures that are commonly consumed as seafood, their value has skyrocketed compared to saltwater pearls or freshwater pearls which are 99% of the time cultured.

Most people do not realize how rare a natural pearl is, so they often give them away without ever finding out the true value.

It is likely that prior to 1896, any pearl still in circulation contained in antique jewelry is likely natural and has a premium value.

The trouble with this is that those who own them do not give this any consideration as they dispose of them, or give them away mixed in a pile of costume jewelry.

Pearls of this age were usually stranded and earrings, so there was not necessarily any gold involved which would have given them a more obvious “value”.

Pearls Were Only For The Elite

There was a time when pearls were only allowed to be worn by elite snobs such as was decreed by Julius Caesar.

In 1BC, he forbade anyone to wear pearls except for Roman Rulers or Aristocrats in order to distinguish themselves from the common folk.

Interestingly, Cleopatra wore two of the most expensive pearls in her time as a pair of earrings.

It is said that she made a bet to host the most expensive dinner in her time by dissolving one of her earrings in vinegar and then drinking it as an expensive cocktail.

Finally, the oldest pearl found to date was found in a grave in the United Arab Emirates and is carbon dated to be 7500 years old.

It is a pink pearl and measures a tiny .13 inches.

No value has been assigned.

Maybe they’ll give it away in a pile of costume jewelry too?

The Most Popular Types of Pearl Jewelry

Because pearls come in a variety of shapes and colors, they can be used in a variety of jewelry types that may not be popular with other gemstones.

The most popular types of pearl jewelry include:


Pearl earrings are the most popular ways of wearing pearls because they are the most affordable.

Even young girls are often outfitted in their first pair of earrings by using pearls.

Because small earrings are easily lost, pearl earrings can be matched and purchased as long as they are not the rare naturally occurring pearls found from diving.

Additionally, pearl earrings can be quite elaborate by adding other colored gemstones or diamonds to compliment them. They can be large Mabe pearls surrounded by diamonds or rubies, or drop dangle chandelier earrings.

The sky’s the limit on the style, and even in Victorian Era jewelry, the tiny “seed pearls” were used to embellish many of their pieces of jewelry.


You can’t go wrong with a pearl pendant.

This is the most common piece of jewelry that Brides wear on their wedding day, it is the most given jewelry for a graduation or birthday, and is the most often given gem for people that you are obliged to gift someone without knowing their personal preferences.

Pearls go with any color of clothing and can be dressed up or down simply by adding or subtracting other jewelry items with them.

They can be elaborate, such as the necklace worn by Elizabeth Taylor (La Peregrina), or as simple as just one pearl on a chain.

Because they come in many types and colors, they are versatile as well for wearing on different occasions such as a Tahitian or a South Sea pearl for going out to dinner or to a formal event to a strand of freshwater pearls for kicking around on the beach.


A strand of pearls is a must have in a woman’s wardrobe. Be it short choker style, to long opera length, a woman will find herself wearing them when nothing else will match.

Strands of pearls can consist of larger size or smaller size pearls, or graduated sizes.

People who love pearls usually end up owning several strands of different sizes and lengths because they can even be worn together if layered one under the other.

Rings and Bracelets

Last but not least are the pearl rings and bracelets.

Because these will get more of a pounding than pendants, strands and earrings would, they are best to be worn only for special occasions rather than daily unless you are careful to remove them when putting your hands in water, chemicals or are doing chores of any type.

Because of how easily damaged pearls can be, they do not make good everyday rings or bracelets.

It is better to leave those for other gemstones that are more durable and will stand up to the rigors of daily wear.

FAQ’s About Pearls

Do pearls last forever?

Pearls can last for thousands of years with the right care.

Once you drill a hole in them, they are then subject to weakening because the nacre has been breached and water can get inside to make them swell, flake and crack apart.

You cannot put pearls in an ultrasonic cleaner as you can several other robust gemstones.

If a strand of pearls becomes dirty, it is best to watch how you wear them and have them restrung rather than trying to soak the dirt from off of the stringing.

Taking care not to hit your pearls on anything will also enable them to last many lifetimes.

What color pearl is the most valuable?

The most valuable color of pearl is the South Sea gold color.

While size also matters, a natural gold color is the most sought after in the market. Next is the Tahitian colors of pearls.

Both of these are considered valuable for their color regardless of being cultured.

When should you not wear pearls?

It is probably not a good idea to wear pearls to bed, while doing chores, while showering, and while swimming.

All of these events will either cause the strings to break or will cause the pearls to become damaged due to chemicals in soaps.

Doing chores is an open invitation to breaking a pearl.

Is it OK to get pearls wet?

Getting your pearls wet is not a good idea. Never keep your pearls in contact with fluids for any length of time. Once they are drilled, they are no longer protected by their outer nacre, and will crack over time.

Final Thoughts

Pearls are a classic gemstone that has been around for centuries.

They have adorned the necks, ears, fingers and wrists of royalty and commoners alike. While they may not be as strong as some other gemstones, with proper care they will last many lifetimes.

If you are in the market for a strand of pearls or a pair of earrings, and if you have the means, look high and low to see if you can find some that are made before the late 1800’s.

If you get lucky, you may buy them at an inexpensive price compared to their true worth, because they are more likely to be harvested by diving rather than by culturing.

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